Welcome to The C12 , otherwise known as the “Cadre of the Called.” Since 1992, thousands of business owners, chief executives, and key leaders have participated in the stated mission of The C12 :
“To change the world by bringing forth the Kingdom of God in the marketplace through the lives of those Christ has called to run businesses for Him.”
Your CEO is taking a significant step in investing in your personal and professional development by using C12 as your development program. You are identified as a Key Player in the organization. Your leadership impacts the organizations achievement of it’s Vision and Mission. Your ability to demonstrate leadership through the Core Values and the execution of the strategic plan through processes and systems within your organization is paramount to the organization success.
The Key Player program is only available to those leaders whom have a CEO in C12. Your CEO has found their C12 experience to play a significant role in changing culture to obtain excellence beyond the status quo, and is expectant it will do the same for you.
C12 is America’s leading faith based professional advisory board platform to Build Great Businesses for a Greater Purpose. Your CEO is a leader of faith and we have asked your leader to adhere to C12 Core Values and join in on achieving it’s Mission. Just as you are challenged to live out the Core Values of your organization regardless if you authored or believe 100% in the Core Values. We do expect you to live out the Core Values of C12 regardless of your faith position, to the best of your ability in an effort to honor your CEO and the C12 mission.
We are excited for your opportunity to participate with other Key Players, your peers, striving to achieve excellent results and demonstrate superior leadership.
The C12 Experience & Value Resolutions
Your covenant membership with The C12 involves your participation in a monthly executive peer group meeting (better known as a “business sabbatical” – a time focused in working on our business instead of simply in our business), an annual core business presentation with your C12 peer advisory board, access to a comprehensive library of C12 resources and participation in the national C12 member peer network. The core values of The C12 come together to shape our expected behavior and stewardship of these elements for the achievement of mission. These core values include:
Results: Results matter! A good try is admirable but not the goal. Results that matter are the goal of our efforts. The measures that we use are focused on actions or activities that deliver results. Therefore, monthly meetings will conclude with each individual establishing a personal list of clearly defined SMART goals (through a written To Do list). In an exercise of accountability, items that are not completed from a prior months’ To-Do list will result in modest financial fines. These fines are tabulated at the end of the year and become charitable donations with the recipient chosen at the discretion of the group. The purpose of this goal setting accountability is to let our “yes be yes and no be no” as well as remembering one of our mottos “Priorities are what we do. Everything else is just talk.” In addition, we embrace experiential counsel and feedback from our peers and will challenge each other to press in for the real condition, effect and opportunity in all matters. Finally, when offering counsel to a peer, we will filter it through proven results in our experience, as well as credible references and Scriptural truths.
Integrity: Errors can be forgiven, breaking integrity won’t be accepted. In C12, we do not accept or excuse any breach of integrity. We will face it, repent and make amends if necessary, and correct any found cause. Recognizing this:
- We will protect the monthly C12 Board Meeting dates on our calendars vigilantly, ensuring punctual and faithful participation;
- Any absences must be communicated in advance to the entire board and an attempt to proxy attend an available board in the region will be facilitated by the C12 Chairman;
- We will take To Do commitments seriously, heeding the words of Christ to let our “yes be yes and no be no,” as an act of worship and accountable integrity;
- We will tell things as they really are (‘confession’) and invite brotherly encouragement in areas of struggle;
- We will respect complete confidentiality of all matters shared by peers;
Camaraderie: The spirit of unity of those called by God to the work, expressed in the joy we experience when we speak or visit together. We are a team of “called ones” sharing the joy of a common call in Christ. We accept our differences as God-given and complementary. Therefore,
- Faithful attendance at all board meetings is expected with diligence to protect the meeting dates, never missing more than two meeting in a given year and always communicating with the board members and chair well in advance regarding exceptional circumstances;
- We will invite others to partner with us in prayer and will be faithful prayer partners with others;
- We will be fully present at all board meetings, arriving prior to the start scheduled start time, disengaging from all outside distractions (no cell phones, email, etc.) apart from designated breaks (with fines associated with any grievances);
- We will not merely ask what can my group do for me, but rather how can I serve the group – seeking opportunity to speak into, encourage, or offer support to peers.
Spiritual Growth: A commitment to unending growth in intimacy with and obedience to Jesus is the baseline
we share. Without a legalistic standard but with charity, humility and repentant hearts, accepting each other as we are, we are committed to be all we can be in Christ. Therefore,
- We will actively pray for one another and seek prayer from our peers;
- We will seek to ask “What would Jesus do” and “What does God say” about all aspects of our lives and leadership so that our fellowship would be one known for living our theology with authentic consistency;
- We will lead out of a stewardship posture, recognizing that these businesses belong to God;
- We will pursue the practice of spiritual disciplines (Bible study, prayer, etc) regularly.
Innovation Towards Excellence: We strive to constantly push the envelope past the benchmark for excellence in every dimension of our organization and work. Therefore, we will embrace new ideas, questions and counsel around a life of stewardship. In addition, we will lean in and challenge peers at the table with opportunities we see or ideas from our experience that can serve them. Finally, we will utilize the Open Forum component of monthly meetings to seek input and suggestions from peers around ideas, challenges or situations out of pursuit of best practices and applied innovation.
Thankfulness: We will never forget that all we have is a gift from God or fail to thank Him. We who deserve nothing have been given life’s ultimate privilege – serving God through work that is meaningful to Him. Therefore, we will tell God stories and celebrate His great work in and through our lives and businesses. In addition, we will choose to operate with an attitude of gratitude and will spur each other to do the same.
Finishing Well: Keeping the end in mind, we press on, maintaining both eternal perspective & kingdom priorities as we pursue long-range stewardship with vision, planning & sound generational succession aimed at sustaining our company’s ministry impact. Therefore,
- We will complete assessments and core business presentations thoroughly and with a commitment to clarity that we might give an accurate accounting of our stewardship and progress;
- We will respond to promptings of the Holy Spirit to encourage and challenge others at the table to live a life that glorifies God and call out any complacency;
- We will invite counsel from peers regarding the effective stewardship of God’s companies we lead that we might do all things in such a way that we hear “well done, good and faithful servant!”
C12 Advisory Board Meeting Rules & Etiquette
The C12 makes every effort to bring together the top business leaders representing the most respected and successful businesses in the marketplace. Once per month, we come together as a peer advisory board for a full-day meeting. Our focus during these important meetings includes; encouragement, accountability, personal/professional growth, discernment and a collaborative learning environment as we seek practical business solutions and counsel in all areas of our lives. Obviously, our time together during these monthly meetings is critically important. Recognizing this, the following rules must be followed by each C12 board member.
ATTENDANCE – Our C12 board members have cleared their calendar for the day and invest with their monthly dues because you are at the table. When you miss a meeting, you are not hurting the C12 Chairman: You are affecting every member at the meeting. For this reason, you are encouraged to never miss a monthly board meeting. Only two absences are allowed per calendar year from your board. Proxy to another board is an absence from your board. Arrangements must be made with the C12 Chairman a minimum of one week in advance of the monthly board meeting. Please note, sending a text to the C12 Chairman the morning of the meeting to request an excused absence or a late arrival is inappropriate. In addition, members are expected arrive on time and are not permitted to leave early.NO SOLICITATION – C12 board members are not allowed to make any type of business solicitations to each other. Your relationship with each other is that of a “fellow board member.” C12 is never allowed to become a simple “business networking” event.
ELECTRONICS – Your fellow C12 board members are investing their time and resources in you and, therefore, deserve 100% of your attention throughout the day. Ample breaks are scheduled during the day to allow members to check voicemails as well as respond to urgent matters through texts and/or emails. This type of activity is not allowed at the table during our work sessions together.
ACTIVE PARTICIPATION AND COUNSEL – Our monthly C12 board meetings are not a time for members to become passive spectators. Every member is encouraged to constantly engage in the focused discussions at the table as they actively participate with their board. C12 board members come together each month to present their most critical and pressing issues and challenges to their fellow board members. These times require counsel and we believe Godly counsel is the best counsel as members seek to share encouragement, ideas and possible action steps with each other. These discussions are held to a much higher standard than a casual conversation between friends over a meal.TO DO LISTS AND ACCOUNTABILITY – Our focus during the monthly board meetings together relates to personal and professional growth. Much of our commitment to individual growth steps is recorded through the writing of monthly To Do List items. When we establish a To Do List item, we are committing to ourselves, God and the others around the table that we will complete this action before returning the following month. Be ready to report to your board each month and to be held accountable for your commitments.
CANCELLATION OF MEMBERSHIP – Recognizing the importance of the relationships between fellow C12 board members, prior to terminating membership, members agree give a 1 month notice and meet with their full board to express their intent to leave the group. This is a condition of membership to The C12 that is considered non-negotiable.
C12 Membership Agreement & Covenant of Mutual Benefit
Membership Qualification/Calling: C12 Key Player membership is considered “invitation only” and is limited to key leaders of C12 CEO Members who are business owners, CEOs, presidents, or business unit general managers with responsibility for at least five employees.
Membership Basics: Members meet monthly on a regular day (e.g., 3rd Thursday of each month) and commit to faithful attendance. This is defined as attending at least 10 of 12 monthly meetings each year. This includes any proxy visits at other boards. As an interactive peer community, the effective functioning of group relationships relies on the stability, timeliness and understanding which accompany faithful attendance and transparency. As a Key Player, it is critical to secure your calendar and seek help from your CEO to protect the time and resource investment.
Membership Agreement and Covenant of Mutual Benefit: I agree that I do/will fulfill the requirements of Membership Qualifications/Calling and Membership Basics that are detailed above. I agree to hold all information shared by other C12 Members in strict confidence, not to actively solicit fellow members, that I will engage according to C12’s stated core principles, and I will refrain from any doctrinal debate. Breaching these standards will result in cancellation of my membership. It is my understanding that membership is for a minimum of a one-year period and is granted on an automatically renewable month-to-month basis and the membership fee (which can be paid monthly, quarterly or annually) is due no later than the first day of each month. Membership fees must be kept current at all times. Membership fees that are not fully paid when due (subject to a five-day grace period) will be subject to a $50 late fee. Prior to termination of membership, I agree to convey my intention of leaving my C12 to all of the group members during a regular monthly board meeting. I agree to give one month notice to my chair to terminate membership.
In agreement to these terms and conditions, I desire to formally submit this application to C12 of Tampa Bay and C12, LLC for consideration.
Upon submitting your application/registration for C12 – Tampa Bay you will be contacted by C12 Tampa Bay to setup and discuss registration and dues fees, and terms. You will receive two invoices: 1) Registration and 2) Your first months Membership dues.
C12 Key Players Questionnaire & Application