C12 Day of Unity December 12

C12 Day of Unity December 12

We cordially invite C12 Members from across Tampa Bay to join us for a momentous occasion—the C12 of Tampa Bay Day of Unity!
This special day was created for C12 Members across Tampa Bay to come together in one meeting format to unify, collaborate, celebrate our successes and recognize years of service.

Date:  Thursday, December 12, 2024
Time: 9:00 am- 3:00 pm
Location: The Portico Cafe
1001 North Florida Avenue
Tampa, FL 33602

This special day was created for leaders to come together in one meeting format to unify, collaborate, celebrate our successes and recognize years of service. Tom Ewing of Tom Ewing Ministries will lead us in worship and Abdu Murray of Embrace the Truth will be our guest speaker. We welcome all C12 Members and their guests and non members to attend. More details and registration to come.  The event is complimentary. We request you RSVP your attendance plus a guest for space and lunch preparation.